Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 6: Roasted Cauliflower & Salmon

Well, it finally happened. The thing I've dreaded the most since beginning to blog about our forays into community supported agriculture––a repeat meal. That's right; we had roasted cauliflower and salmon in Week 4 and here we are eating the same exact meal––bite for bite––in Week 6. Do I feel dull? Yes. But surely no one can expect me to go to work every day, haul children to and fro and then come home and cook something new and exciting every night, right? Well, actually that would be awesome, but the bionic woman I am not. In fact, the hubby can vouch for me when I say that I often get tired and grumpy. But you know what I don't get? Bored. You simply cannot get bored with 48 quarts of fresh, beautiful produce sitting in your refrigerator week after week after week. And if we've learned one thing in the last six weeks, it's that you can steam or roast pretty much anything and it tastes amazing. So on hectic week nights––nights that my former, non-CSA food-rut self would have made a frozen pizza or taken the family to Taco Bueno––I now quickly chop up a vegetable, drizzle it with olive oil and pop it in the oven. Combined with Costco's flash frozen, wild-caught, non-endangered, pre-marinated salmon fillets and, well, bam!, we have a healthy, guilt free, delicious meal on our hands. So, yes, it may be a CSA repeat meal, but I'll take that over a food rut any day of the week.

The perk of a repeat meal? A repeat photo to replace yours that "accidentally" got erased from your camera.

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