Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week 6: Pick-Up Day & Favorite Simple Salad

Unfortunately, I have numerous casualties to report. The first, the one I feel I should hang my head in shame about, is the cauliflower. Yes, the robust, incredible cauliflower. The only excuse I have is the strange dental-related infection that oppressed me for most of Week 5. Even though I had a slight comeback on Thursday, Friday night we really needed Chinese food. You understand. It was Friday and we could no longer think, cook, or clean up after the hurricane-like force that is our children. Why, oh why, didn't I think to freeze the cauliflower? I blame the dentist.

The next loss, it should be noted, actually caused me physical pain. The not-so-magnificent hubby, in his haste to free up camera space for what he called "adorable" kid footage, erased all the photos on our digital camera. That's right, I lost the pics of my beloved produce for Week 6. The salt in this wound? I also lost the photos of the meals I so lovingly toiled over in Week 6. For all my horror and disbelief, the hubby never showed quite enough remorse to suit my tastes. But, having been married to me for six years, he knew exactly how to make good on his mistake. Stay tuned –– my lips are sealed until Week 8.

But back to Pick-Up Day, where we were excited to see broccoli and cauliflower, purple kale, green kale, cilantro, yellow onions, purple-top turnips and green romaine. Since we were hosting friends Saturday night, I was thrilled to see the romaine. It wouldn't be a social occasion at our house without my Favorite Simple Salad. Filled with cranberries, candied pecans and blue cheese, I am overjoyed to eat my body weight in this salad every chance I get. Which is a good thing since the hubby and friends feasted on four different types of grilled venison. We also had smooth red wine, haloumi kabobs and homemade chocolate pie for dessert, making this one of my favorite meals of the year. What's that, you say? Oh yes, too bad I can't show you the photo.

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